Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday. Really.





Unknown said...

Hmmm. Kinda sorry I clicked.

Alison said...

ROFL. As mothers we do talk about poop alot. I think it's fitting.

Not From Lapland said...

with two horses, a goat, two dogs and cat our farm if kind full of this stuff.

Unknown said...

Wow. Psychic! That's exactly how I feel today. ;)

Unknown said...

what a load of crap. ;)

Anonymous said...

You and I belong together lol

Laura's Leaner Life said...

How timely - I totally found a piece of poo on my shoe this morning. It was a lovely birthday surprise!

Anonymous said...

Awww, where's the bullshit?

Ann said...

I have to tell you that this is one of your shittier posts...ROFL I thought I was the only one who took pictures like this

Ally said...

Dude, nice poops!

Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

Sparkle said...

Wordless? I'm SPEECHLESS! This is the same as if I put a photo of a dirty litter box on MY blog!

Hm, wait a minute....

Lin said...

Spring thaw in the back yard???

A Lil Enchanted said...

Isn't shit great???!!! I just love it when my cats rip open my vent work under my house and then proceed to crawl up in there and shit... leaving my whole house smelling like... well... shit.... grrrrr.... at least your shit is outside!!!

A Lil Enchanted,

Lori said...

I'm so glad there is another person out there that talks shit! It sometimes was our dinnertime conversation. And my hubby once took a picture of our clogged toilet and sent it to my sister to demonstrate the girth of our then vegetarian daughter's poos. Now, that's disturbed!

Pam said...

Sweet. It looks like you've been to our local mall with your camera.

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