Yes. The bitch is totally on the couch where she doesn’t belong.
Yes. She is on my side, on one of my pillows.
Yes. She is turning her head away from me, so she can ignore me and NOT have to get off the couch.
Yes. There is dog fur all over the couch, even though said mutts are not allowed on the couch.
Yes. That little spot to the left of the couch on the carpeting was chewed off by one of the other dogs, Bogey.
Does that make him a carpet muncher?
Yes. Forget I ever said that. Especially in reference to a dog.
So you are (hse is)saying it's HER house :)
She thinks it's her house. I pretty much have to agree that she does run it though. And does a better job at it than me.
Around here, there's NO question. The animals run the house. The humans just pay the mortgage.
Some nerve! Who does she think she is? ;-)
Thanks for visiting for WW today! :-)
I love it when they turn their head as to think... if I don't see don't see me,lol.
My WW link for you
I have a black and a chocolate Lab, they think they not only own the house, but are also small lap dogs. Good luck getting your pillow and couch back.
To solve the dog on the furniture problem at my house? I gave my dog his own chair. It's always covered with a dog blanket that gets washed every month or so.
I've been known to spoil my dog...
That is too funny. Mutts just don't get it, do they? Ours likes to leave secret wet spots, but we love her anyway.
Bad, bad doggie who doesn't at all look like she's doing anything wrong!
sounds like Duke goes wherever he wants. He's even jumped up on my desk, he can't help it though he was originally trained by a cat so he thinks that's acceptable. I have a rug covering a spot in the living room carpet that he found just the slightest snag and decided to give it a tug. Boy did he have fun with that, until I came home that is.
How funny! Around here we're just guests in our pets house!
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